
Evaluation Step 3: Propagate Label Values

9.2.4 Evaluation Step 3: Propagate Label Values

The next step in the qualitative evaluation procedure is to propagate the labels that are given by the modeler to the initial elements to other nodes. Label propagation is based on a set of propagation rules, used with human judgment, to determine the resulting label. Human intervention or judgment arises as a useful and necessary strategy in the evaluation process, especially when modeling the complex interactions of an organizational network. Because it is infeasible to create a model which captures the complex interactions completely, informed and careful human intervention in the evaluation process is allowed to compensate for some issues related to lack of information or model precision, correctness, and completeness.

The following sub-sections discuss label propagation rules, the underlying algorithm, and give an example of applying these propagation rules. The propagation rules are provided only as guidelines, which can be adapted by intermediate and advanced users as appropriate in more advanced situations.

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Created by system. Last Modification: Monday 05 of May, 2008 17:42:26 GMT-0000 by samer.