
Guideline (Beginner,Concept) Do not confuse between a Softgoal and a Task.

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Guideline   (Beginner,Concept) Do not confuse between a Softgoal and a Task. Open Version

Discussion: Softgoals are used when modeling quality attributes or non-functional requirements (NFRs). Also Softgoals are used when stakeholders’ goals are not precise, may change, or their criteria of success are not sharply defined in advance. Tasks are used when an actor (Depender) depends on another actor (Dependee) through the strategic Dependency Link, to accomplish a task, which has a clear idea of achieving it. The Dependee, however, still has freedom to carry out the activity within some constraints. A Task is usually is described by decomposing it into sub-elements, which could be another task, softgoal, goal, or resource. Also, Tasks don’t always have to be involved in a dependency. An actor can have internal tasks, which are not involved in a dependency.


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Created by system. Last Modification: Tuesday 01 of April, 2008 18:37:02 GMT-0000 by samer.