
Guideline (Beginner,Concept) Do not use Dependency Links inside an Actor.

This stable version of the Guideline Wiki Page displays the guideline as per the i* Style of the University of Toronto. Registered users can use 'Open Version' link right at the end of the guideline statement below to access the open version of this page

Discussion: Task element should be broken down, decomposed, or refined into lower level elements using the Decomposition Link, not the Dependency Link. Softgoal element can be broken down, decomposed, or refined into lower level elements using any type of Contribution Link. Contribution links are: Make, Some+, Help, Break, Some-, Hurt, Unknown, And, or Or depending on the context of the analysis.


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Created by system. Last Modification: Tuesday 01 of April, 2008 18:07:18 GMT-0000 by samer.