
Guideline (Beginner,Concept) Do not confuse Softgoal with optional, less important Goals.

This stable version of the Guideline Wiki Page displays the guideline as per the i* Style of the University of Toronto. Registered users can use 'Open Version' link right at the end of the guideline statement below to access the open version of this page

Guideline   (Beginner,Concept) Do not confuse Softgoal with optional, less important Goals. The criticality, or importance, or priority of a goal is orthogonal to the distinction between a hard goal and a Softgoal. Open Version

Discussion: The distinction between a (hard) Goal and a Softgoal is not in the degree of importance. To model something as a Softgoal is not to say that it is less important, or that it is optional. For example, Performance[online update] might be modeled as a critical Softgoal. In i*, dependencies may be assigned one of three levels of “strength” - Critical, Committed, or Open. The strength attribute is separate from the distinction between a Softgoal and a hard Goal.

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Created by system. Last Modification: Tuesday 01 of April, 2008 18:33:01 GMT-0000 by samer.