This stable version of the Guideline Wiki Page displays the guideline as per the i* Style of the University of Toronto. Registered users can use 'Open Version' link right at the end of the guideline statement below to access the open version of this page
Guideline (Beginner,Layout) Unconnected elements within an Actor is indicative of an incomplete model. Open Version
Discussion: Part of the objectives of an i* SR model is to help in analyzing the fulfillment and satisfaction of intentionality elements of and Actor and in expressing the rational as related to the Strategic Dependencies between the Actors. Leaving SR elements without proper connection to related intentional elements within an actor might introduce some difficulty in the readability, understandability, and applicability of the final model.
In some other cases such as when dealing with complex models in research work, the modeler might decide to keep some elements (especially Goals and Softgoals) of an Actor without Links to other elements to indicate the presence of a Goal, for example, that has not yet been operationalized or addressed and to work as reminder so as not to forget it.

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