This stable version of the Guideline Wiki Page displays the guideline as per the i* Style of the University of Toronto. Registered users can use 'Open Version' link right at the end of the guideline statement below to access the open version of this page
Guideline (Beginner,Methodology) Model the As-Is state of the knowledge domain and the current system status (if exists) without the presence of the new system To-Be introduced. Open Version
Discussion: At this initial modeling stage, the goal of the model is to capture the As-Is situation and reflect the state of the world under analysis. The model here deals with the related stakeholders and models the current system as an actor(s) if it exists. The benefit of doing this type of analysis is to analyze why the As-Is system fails to meet the stated requirements of the stakeholders, and to form a basis for the evaluation of new system alternatives. Also, the modeler needs to state in the caption whether the model is As-Is or To-Be.
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