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Guideline (Beginner,Naming) Where Softgoals are named according to the Type and Topic structure, be consistent in each Softgoal refinement step to refine either by Type or by Topic. Open Version
Discussion: High level Softgoals should be refined into lower level Softgoals, and eventually operationalized. The Type or Topic of a Softgoal or NFR can be refined into lower level Softgoals or NFRs. Additionally, consistent refinement of the Type or Topic of a Softgoal helps in producing consistent and systematic because it prompts modelers to consider all applicable Softgoal types for a given topic, or for a given Softgoal type, what sub-topics it is applicable to. Type [Topic] refinement process is to be done on Softgoal’s type or topic, but not both at the same time. Please refer to Chung, Nixon, Yu, and Mylopoulos (2000) for a detailed discussion about the NFR framework.
Figure 1 shows an example of refining a Softgoal using Type and Topic structure.
Figures 2 and 3 depict counter examples where the Type and Topic refinement is not consistent. For example, Figure 2 illustrates mixing or introducing a new Softgoal Type “Availability” within the refinement of the original Softgoal, “Transparency”. Figure 2 illustrates mixing or introducing a new Softgoal Topic “[Health Record]” within the Topics of the original Softgoal’s Topic “[Accounts]”.

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